Adding new methods


The main objective of NerfBaselines is to allow for easy integration of various method into the framework. Therefore, we tried to make it as easy as possible to integrate new methods. In this guide, we will show you how to add a new method to NerfBaselines. In order to integrate a new python-based method (we don’t cover C++ methods in this guide), you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new Python module for the method. This module will contain the method’s interface (which will bind to the official method implementation).

  2. Add a spec file which describes the method and its dependencies.

  3. Register the method with NerfBaselines (so it can be discovered and run).

  4. Test the method.

  5. (Optional) Open a pull request to merge the method to NerfBaselines repository.


The source code for the tutorial can be found here.

Creating a new method module

The first step is to create a new Python module for the method. Let’s start by adding a file We now need to implement the Method interface.

from nerfbaselines import Method

class MyMethod(Method, torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, *, checkpoint=None, train_dataset=None, config_overrides=None):

    def get_method_info(cls):

    def get_info(self) -> ModelInfo:

    def get_train_embedding(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # In this tutorial we do not support appearance embeddings
        return None

    def optimize_embeddings(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # In this tutorial we do not support appearance embeddings
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def render(self, cameras, *, embeddings=None, options=None):

    def train_iteration(self, step: int) -> Dict[str, float]:

    def save(self, path):

In this tutorial, we will implement a simple method that optimizes a single color to be rendered. We will use PyTorch to demonstrate how pytorch-based methods can be integrated. Let’s start by adding the necessary imports and implementing the method. The __init__ method can be called in two ways. Either with train_dataset provided (for training) or without it (for inference). In either case, checkpoint can be provided to load the model from the checkpoint. There is also an optional config_overrides parameter which can be used to override the default hyperparameters. The __init__ method should initialize the model, optimizer, and load the checkpoint if provided.

import json, os
from nerfbaselines import Method
from nerfbaselines.utils import convert_image_dtype
import torch.nn
import torch.optim
import torch.nn.functional

class MyMethod(Method):
    def __init__(self, *,

        # If train_dataset is not None,
        # initialize the method for training
        self.train_dataset = train_dataset
        self.hparams = {
            "initial_color": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        self._loaded_step = None
        self.step = 0
        self.checkpoint = checkpoint
        if config_overrides is not None:

        # In this example, we just optimize single color to be rendered
        self.color = torch.nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(self.hparams["initial_color"], dtype=torch.float32))
        self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([self.color], lr=1e-3)

        if checkpoint is not None:
            # Load the model from the checkpoint
            with open(os.path.join(checkpoint, "params.json"), "r") as f:
                ckpt_meta = json.load(f)
            self._loaded_step = self.step = ckpt_meta["step"]

            # We load the ckpt here
            _state, optim_state = torch.load(os.path.join(checkpoint, "model.pth"))
            assert train_dataset is not None, "train_dataset must be provided for training"

Next, we will implement the save method which will save the model to the provided path.

    def save(self, path):
        os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)
        # Save the model
        with open(os.path.join(path, "params.json"), "w") as f:
            json.dump({"hparams": self.hparams, "step": self.step}, f)

        # Here we save the torch model, self.optimizer.state_dict()), os.path.join(path, "model.pth"))

Next, we will implement the get_method_info, and get_info methods which will return the method’s information. This information is used by NerfBaselines to determine the method’s capabilities and requirements.

    def get_method_info(cls):
        return {
            # Method ID is provided by the registry
            "method_id": "",  

            # Supported camera models (e.g., pinhole, opencv, ...)
            "supported_camera_models": frozenset(("pinhole",)),

            # Features required for training (e.g., color, points3D_xyz, ...)
            "required_features": frozenset(("color",)),

            # Declare supported outputs
            "supported_outputs": ("color",),

    def get_info(self):
        return {
            "hparams": self.hparams,
            "loaded_checkpoint": self.checkpoint,
            "loaded_step": self._loaded_step,

            # This number specifies how many iterations 
            # the method should be trained for.
            "num_iterations": 100,

Next, we will implement the train_iteration method which will perform a single iteration of the training. In this example, we will sample a random image from the training dataset and optimize the color to match the image. For the purpose of the tutorial we will do this by utilizing PyTorch to show how more complicated methods (e.g., PyTorch based) can be implemented.

    def train_iteration(self, step):
        # Perform a single iteration of the training
        self.step = step

        # Sample a random image
        rand_idx = torch.randint(len(self.train_dataset["images"]), (1,)).cpu().item()
        image = torch.from_numpy(convert_image_dtype(self.train_dataset["images"][rand_idx][:, :, :3], 'float32'))

        # Compute the loss
        w, h = self.train_dataset["cameras"][rand_idx].image_sizes
        pred = self.color[None, None, :].expand(h, w, 3)
        loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(pred, image)

        # Optimize the loss

        # Return the stats
        return {
            "loss": loss.item(),

Finally, we implement the render method which will render the images using the provided cameras.

    def render(self, cameras, *, embeddings=None, options=None):
        # Render the images
        for camera in cameras:
            w, h = camera.image_sizes

            # Here we simply render a single color image
            yield {
                "color": self.color[None, None, :].expand(h, w, 3).detach().cpu().numpy(),

Now we have successfully implemented a simple method that optimizes a single color to be rendered. In the next steps, we will show you how to register the method with NerfBaselines and test it.

Adding a spec file

The next step is to add a spec file which describes the method and its dependencies. The spec file is a Python file that contains a register() call which registers the method with NerfBaselines. Let’s create a file and add the following content:

from nerfbaselines import register

    "method_class": "my_method:MyMethod",
    "conda": {
        "environment_name": "my_method",
        "python_version": "3.11",
        "install_script": """
# Install PyTorch
pip install torch==2.2.0 torchvision==0.17.0 'numpy<2.0.0' \
    "id": "my-method",
    "metadata": {},

While this is all that is required for the spec and will enable the method to be run using all three backends, much more information can be provided in the spec file. For example, you can add method’s metadata (e.g., authors, paper, etc.), add results from the paper, add links to public checkpoints, or add presets which will allow users to easily run the method with predefined hyperparameters or specify different hyperparameters for different datasets. For more information, see the spec files of the existing methods.

Registering the method with NerfBaselines

There are multiple ways to register the method with NerfBaselines. However, for method development and testing, the easiest way is to add method to the environment variable NERFBASELINES_REGISTER.


Now, you can run:

nerfbaselines train --help

You should see my-method in the list of available methods. All commands that accept the --method argument will now accept my-method as well.

Testing the method

To verify that the method is implemented correctly, NerfBaselines provides a testing command nerfbaselines test-method. This command will verify various aspects of the method (e.g., training, rendering, etc.) and will report any issues. In this tutorial, we will test our method on the blender/lego dataset.

nerfbaselines test-method --method my-method --data external://blender/lego

The output should be similar to the following:

All tests passed:
  ✓ Method backend initialized
  ✓ Method installed
  ✓ Method info loaded
  ✓ Train dataset loaded
  ✓ Test dataset loaded
  ✓ Model initialized
  ✓ Train iteration passes
  ✓ Eval few passes
  ✓ Eval all passes
  ✓ Render works
  ✓ Saving works
  ✓ Loading from checkpoint (without train dataset) passes
  ✓ Resaving method yields same checkpoint
  ✓ Restored model (without train dataset) matches original
  ✓ Loading from checkpoint (with train dataset) passes
  ✓ Restored model (with train dataset) matches original
  ✓ Full training works
  ✓ Checkpoint reproduces results
  ✓ Final evaluation works and matches predictions
  ⚠ Skipping public checkpoint verification - checkpoint not available
  ⚠ Skipping paper results comparison for fast test

Release the method

Once you are satisfied with the method, you can open a pull request to merge the method to NerfBaselines repository. Alternatively, you can only release the method spec in your repository and instruct users to install it using nerfbaselines install-method command. The install-method command is a more permanent way to install the method (as opposed to using the NERFBASELINES_REGISTER environment variable), and it will copy the method spec to the NerfBaselines installation directory. However, we strongly recommend opening a pull request to merge the method to NerfBaselines repository as it will make the method more discoverable and easier to use for other users.