COLMAP Multi-View Stereo (MVS) is a general-purpose, end-to-end image-based 3D reconstruction pipeline. It uses the point cloud if available, otherwise it runs a sparse reconstruction to obtained. The reconstruction consists of a stereo matching step, followed by a multi-view stereo step to obtain a dense point cloud. Finally, either Delaunay or Poisson meshing is used to obtain a mesh from the point cloud.
Mip-NeRF 360
Mip-NeRF 360 is a collection of four indoor and five outdoor object-centric scenes. The camera trajectory is an orbit around the object with fixed elevation and radius. The test set takes each n-th frame of the trajectory as test views.
Blender (nerf-synthetic) is a synthetic dataset used to benchmark NeRF methods. It consists of 8 scenes of an object placed on a white background. Cameras are placed on a semi-sphere around the object. Scenes are licensed under various CC licenses.
Tanks and Temples
Tanks and Temples is a benchmark for image-based 3D reconstruction. The benchmark sequences were acquired outside the lab, in realistic conditions. Ground-truth data was captured using an industrial laser scanner. The benchmark includes both outdoor scenes and indoor environments. The dataset is split into three subsets: training, intermediate, and advanced.