K-Planes is a NeRF-based method representing d-dimensional space using 2 planes allowing for a seamless way to go from static (d=3) to dynamic (d=4) scenes.
Blender (nerf-synthetic) is a synthetic dataset used to benchmark NeRF methods. It consists of 8 scenes of an object placed on a white background. Cameras are placed on a semi-sphere around the object. Scenes are licensed under various CC licenses.
Photo Tourism
Photo Tourism is a dataset of images of famous landmarks, such as the Sacre Coeur, the Trevi Fountain, and the Brandenburg Gate. The images were captured by tourist at different times of the day and year, images have varying lighting conditions and occlusions. The evaluation protocol is based on NeRF-W, where the image appearance embeddings are optimized on the left side of the image and the metrics are computed on the right side of the image.